Here we are, just about mid-winter, and many clients are friends are heading for the tropics in the coming weeks for some Vitamin Sea and Vitamin D! So I thought I would share some tips on how to stay active on your upcoming vacation. Typically for my husband and I, most of our vacations revolve around sports - most often we travel to surf, ski, bike or hike, with some R’N’R on the side either in the evenings or as a rest day in between. However, our recent European trip involved a lot of sight seeing, and relaxing on beaches with calm seas. Although we enjoyed our trip, for the most part, it did not revolve around a sport as it usually does - so I had to consciously work activity into my day. Check out some of the photos from our trip - on these days we incorporated beach walks, biking, hiking, and lots of walking into our trip. When it comes to fitness and leanness, there are a few important components that come into play: your Resting Energy Expenditure (the amount of calories your body burns at rest just to stay alive, also known as REE), the thermic effect of food (certain foods actually burn more calories while consuming them than others), as well as physical activity. All of these components together are referred to as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. In order to keep your TDEE high, it is therefore important to include physical activity in your day, as well as include thermogenic foods in your diet. So here are a few things that I tried to incorporate into my days during our holiday to make sure I was still keeping my TDEE up:
If you like what you have read, and would like to train with a certified fitness professional to reach your goals before or after a vacation, contact me! You can also subscribe to our newsletter.
You can also try subscribing to one of my Beachbody workouts to complete at home anytime, or maybe even on vacation!
A warm bowl of noodles can be really comforting on a cool fall or winter day. Last week, I did a post about alternatives to traditional pasta, so this recipe uses Shiritaki Tofu noodles as an alternative. And by the way, these noodles are approved by my husband, who is NOT a health nut. Always a good sign!
Ingredients: lean ground beef, (125 g) tofu shiritaki noodles (1 package) Beef broth (0.3 cup) 1 onion broccoli rabe (0.5 cup) red pepper (0.5 cup) red pepper flakes (1 tsp) Instructions: 1. Saute onion and lean ground beef in casserole pot with coconut oil until meat is lightly browned. Toss in red pepper. 2. Add beef broth, red pepper flakes, toss in broccoli rabe. 3. As a final stage, right before eating, toss in noodles. Season with salt, pepper if you liked this recipe, please share it! And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for outdoor fitness trips, recipes, and tips and tricks on everything Stand Up Paddle, & fitness! Taking the time to meal prep at least once per week is the secret to fat loss. When we have healthy, homemade food ready to eat in a pinch, we make better food choices. In this video, I review some of the steps to meal prepping, and have outlined them below. I also showcase my FAVOURITE new cookbook in the video - SIBO Family Favourites. For any of you experiencing digestive distress or diagnosed with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, I highly recommend you check it out. So far, I am LOVING it! Steps to weekly meal prep1. At the beginning of week, or on the weekend, make a menu of what you will eat overnight. Make enough so that you can have the leftovers for lunch the next day.
2. Use your favourite cookbook for recipe inspiration. Check out my new cookbook, SIBO Family Favourites. 3. Write our the list of ingredients you will need to purchase from the grocery store. 4. Go purchase groceries (make sure not to go to the grocery store hungry - eat a meal or have a snack first as this eliminates the possibility of you making poorer food choices when you are hungry. 5. Come home, put groceries away, but leave vegetables out. Pre-chop your veggies for the week, and store in tupperware. 6. Make at least 1-2 meals on your meal prep day to keep you going for at least a couple days at the beginning of the week, if not the whole week. 7. Make sure to pre-cook carbs (quinoa, brown rice, roast sweet potato or squash). Make sure to make a batch of protein (could be baked salmon filets, for instance), and pre-chop your veggies, so you can throw it altogether for a quick meal in a pinch! If you liked this video, please share it! And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for outdoor fitness trips, recipes, and tips and tricks on everything Stand Up Paddle, & fitness! During the cooler, wetter months, many of my clients have been looking for alternatives to traditional pasta. In some cases, something that is more nutrient-dense, something that contains less calories, or something that is gluten-free. In this video, I review some of those options and have listed them below as well. Here are some of the alternatives I go over in the video:
Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for outdoor fitness trips, recipes, and tips and tricks on everything Stand Up Paddle, & fitness! |
AuthorNikki Johnston Beaudoin is an outdoorsy Mountain Mermaid, and the Founder of Sea to Sky Fitness. Categories